Rosy Peach Aphids Inside Hat
I had pulled
off my wide-brimmed straw-braid hat, and noticed a discolored thread inside the
head. I scratched it, and it didn’t move so I didn’t think anything more of it,
and returned the hat to my head.
The next
day, I grabbed the hat off its storage place on the deck. Thank goodness that I
happened to glance inside before putting it on. There was a large gang of small
red bugs milling around the discolored thread.
Yikes! That
“thread” was a row of egg cases. The hatch-lings were rosy peach aphids (see my blog of August 2, 2012). Definitely nothing I want between my head and hat.
That’s why I say, “Look in your hat before you put it on!”
Rosy Peach Aphids and Line of Egg Cases Inside Hat